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Many Employees In North America and The United Kingdom Are Not Happy At Work, According to Achievers’ Latest Study

TORONTO - September 8, 2015

Findings reveal that many respondents are disengaged at work*

Achievers, a Blackhawk Network company and a leading provider of employee recognition and rewards solutions designed to help companies increase employee engagement, today released [The Greatness Gap: The State of Employee Disengagement](https://www.achievers.com/whitepaper/greatness-gap-state-employee-disengagement-uk/) report. The report reveals that a large number of employees in North America and the United Kingdom (U.K.) are unhappy at work, disenchanted with the company’s mission and demotivated by lack of positive feedback from superiors. In December 2014, Achievers surveyed 397 employed people in North America (U.S. and Canada) and 391 employed people in the U.K. All surveyed were employed and between the ages of 18 and 60.

The Achievers 2015 Workforce Survey asked respondents to identify their level of connection with core engagement factors, such as their company’s mission, their perceptions of and experience with recognition at work, and their workplace culture.

The results for the North American workforce survey show that employee outlook on engagement is split right down the middle — while less than half of the workforce are passionate about their company’s mission, the other, bigger, portion (58%) don’t find the mission inspiring at all. The report suggests this could be one factor directly contributing to a lack of employee loyalty. The survey also revealed that half (50%) of respondents expect to be working for a new employer in just one year.

The result of [The Greatness Gap: The State of Employee Disengagement in the U.K.](https://www.achievers.com/whitepaper/greatness-gap-state-employee-disengagement-uk/) survey revealed a similar trend. A significant number of employees surveyed in the U.K. (69%) indicated that they are not motivated by their company’s mission. Moreover, a sizeable portion of the workers surveyed (nearly 41%) reported that they aren’t committed to continuing employment with their organization in the next year.

“Employee engagement needs to be a top priority for executives in today’s changing workplace. Research proves that business success is driven by engaged employees — those employees that know why they get up every morning and go to work,” said David Brennan, General Manager of Achievers. “The results from this study should incite organizations to take action and implement engagement strategies today that will help keep their employees tomorrow.”

Key findings for the North American (U.S. and Canada) workforce surveyed in the study include :
• 51% of employees are not happy at work
• 45% of employees trust their company’s leadership
• 61% of employees don’t know their company’s mission
• 57% of employees are not motivated by their company’s mission
• 60% of employees don’t know their company’s vision
• 57% of employees don’t feel recognized for their progress at work
• 61% of employees don’t know their organization’s cultural values
• 50% of employees don’t expect to be with their organization a year from now

Key findings for the U.K. workforce surveyed in the study include :
• 48% of employees are not happy at work
• 42% of employees trust their company’s leadership
• 70% of employees don’t know their company’s mission
• 69% of employees are not motivated by their company’s mission
• 70% of employees don’t know their company’s vision
• 60% of employees don’t feel recognized for their progress at work
• 71% of employees don’t know their organization’s cultural values
• 41% of employees don’t expect to be with their organization a year from now

To download The Greatness Gap infographic, click [here](http://go.achievers.com/rs/136-RHD-395/images/Greatness-Infographic-FINAL.jpg).

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