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The Great Recognition: How to Build a Thriving Culture to Win in the Future of Work

Whether the headlines are dominated by The Great Resignation or an impending recession, there is one thing that is for sure: the future of work is wildly uncertain. How is it, then, that we build a team that is resilient, engaged, and capable of doing their best work not because they feel that they have to, but because they want to? The answer is recognition.

In this engaging, inclusive, and research-guided presentation, hear from workplace expert Eric Termuende as he walks us through Achievers Workforce Institute’s 2022 State of Recognition report and gives us actionable, practical tips to build a culture of recognition and thrive in times of uncertainty.

Join us to learn:

  • Tips to enhance recognition remotely
  • How to attract new talent with recognition
  • Strategies for driving commitment, productivity, and engagement
  • The one thing more important than salary when it comes to retention


Eric Termuende
Eric Termuende

Author, HR Expert and Co-Founder, NoW of Work Inc.


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