Resources / Webinars / How to Maintain Culture Continuity During COVID-19

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How to Maintain Culture Continuity During COVID-19

Organizations around the globe are twisting themselves into knots scrambling to pivot as more information surfaces about COVID-19. There’s lots of talk about business continuity and, while operational questions are important, it’s equally, if not more, critical that we don’t lose sight of what we all know is our most valuable asset: our people.

Although there’s a great deal of uncertainty about the long-term implications of the pandemic on the collective mindset of the workforce, the good news is that this isn’t the first catastrophic event to upend the world.

Data spanning from the Great Depression to the financial crash of 2008 to SARS has left clues to what businesses need to focus on to foster resilient and productive cultures during times of disruption and heightened anxiety.

Join us to learn:

  • What decades of organizational development research on crisis management tells us about the most impactful actions leaders can take to inspire and engage employees during times of ambiguity, change and angst
  • Examples of what some of the world’s most progressive brands have been doing to maintain culture continuity since the onset of the pandemic


Dr. Natalie Baumgartner
Dr. Natalie Baumgartner

Chief Workforce Scientist, Achievers Workforce Institute

Brie Harvey
Brie Harvey

Head of Market Research and Community, Achievers


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