Resources / Webinars / The Third Way: Approaches for Engaging Employees and Empowering Managers

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The Third Way: Approaches for Engaging Employees and Empowering Managers

The last year has served as a reminder that while our employees may be out of sight, they can never be out of mind and they must always be heard.
While employee engagement is about an individual’s commitment to doing the job they are paid for, employee experience is about the organization’s job to establish the conditions so great work is possible.

As Achievers’ David Bator will share in this session, the moment we’re in urges us to consider a Third Way by balancing the needs of employees and managers to drive performance.

Join us to learn:

  • Get closer than ever to front-line employees
  • Empower managers to better give and receive feedback
  • Measure, manage & activate the employee experience in real time


David Bator
David Bator

Managing Director, Achievers Workforce Institute


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