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How to Get Your Recognition Program Right

Despite the mountains of research showing that employee recognition is one of the easiest, fastest, cheapest and most impactful ways to boost morale and improve performance, new research from the Workforce Institute shows that most leaders habitually miss the mark.

Join Matthew Tremmaglia, VP of Customer Success, and Brie Harvey, Employee Engagement Evangelist at Achievers, as they as they debunk common myths about employee recognition and break down the blueprint to getting your recognition program right.

Join us to learn:

  • The most common and harmful myths about employee recognition that hold well-intended leaders back
  • What research shows about how recognition strategy should be adjusted for post-pandemic workforce dynamics
  • Real-world examples from award-winning organizations about what they do differently to leverage rewards and recognition to drive measurable business results


Brie Harvey
Brie Harvey

Head of Market Research and Community, Achievers

Matthew Tremmaglia
Matthew Tremmaglia

Chief Customer Officer, Achievers


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