Resources / Webinars / How to Know if it's Time to Toss Your Annual Engagement Survey

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How to Know if it's Time to Toss Your Annual Engagement Survey

Nothing in life works unless it’s regular. You would never show up to the gym 2-3 times a year and expect bodily transformation. It would be completely unreasonable for someone to think a relationship could thrive with having one touch point a year. Your employee listening strategy should be no different. If it’s not done regularly, it doesn’t work.

The Annual Engagement Survey was pronounced dead by basically every thought leader in the business many years ago yet so many well intended organizations continue to take an antiquated and ineffective approach.

Join us to learn:

  • What’s driving so many organizations to adopt a more continuous listening approach to measuring engagement and what holds companies back from failing to take the plunge
  • The key questions HR practitioners should consider to determine if their organization is ready to adopt an agile employee listening strategy (spoiler alert: just because something is widely trending doesn’t mean your organization is ready to embrace it)
  • Best Practices for adopting an effective employee listening strategy
  • Best Practices for adopting an effective employee listening strategy


Brie Harvey
Brie Harvey

Head of Market Research and Community, Achievers

Lauren Brittingham
Lauren Brittingham

Director or Organizational Development, Bayhealth

Deanna Baker
Deanna Baker

VP of Leadership Development, Blackhawk Network


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